Energy Challenges goes international!

Energy Challenges goes international!

Energy Challenges goes International!

Last week part of the Energy Challenges team went to Berlin for the 2IMPREZS project. A successful meeting where major steps have been made towards an international collaboration.

2IMPREZS is international program within the 'North Sea Region' - the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, England, and Germany - around the reduction of CO2 emissions. 
The program will be implemented in existing schools using Energy Challenges. The emphasis is on knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding energy use,
as well as technical measures to be taken to reduce energy consumption and thereby reduce CO2 emissions by a total of 7320 tons. Energy Challenges are seen as the basis for 2imprezs at the European level. The participation by the Netherlands consists of 1. Sharing knowledge and experience gained with Energy Challenges. 2. Participate in the international competition. 3. Adapting the Bredero school in Groningen to a “0 on the meter school”.
The meeting in Berlin was a great success. Despite the differences in education in the different countries, the goal is clear! Together we go for sustainability!