Uitnodiging 10-jarig jubileum Energy Challenges

Uitnodiging 10-jarig jubileum Energy Challenges

We are pleased to invite you for our 10-year jubilee. As announced in our save date we have a programma with some inspiring speakers.

Programme 18th of November 2022 't Feithhuis in Groningen

13:00 Doors open

13:30 Start of the programme

13:30 Welcome by Mrs. Ingrid Kloosterman, Director of the Foundation Energy Challenges

13:35 Facilitator Mr. Chris Ashe: Introducing the guests and explanation of the programme

13:40 Groningen Provincial Executive Ms. Melissa van Hoorn speech: The Importance of Energy Challenges

13:50 Highlights by Mrs. Daniëlle Eerenberg: What we have achieved in 10 years time with Energy Challenges and What's in the pipeline?

14:20 2IMPREZS presentation highlights by Ms. Madeline Langlois

14:45 Coffee break

15:00 Guest Key-note speaker Mrs. Marieke Abbink-Pellenbarg, Managing Director of New Energy Coalition

15:20 Forum discussion

16:00 Thanking and ending of the formal part

16:15 Start of the Jubilee Reception

18:00 The End of the Programme

We kindly ask you to sign up in order to know how many guests we can accommodate.
Signing up is possible through this link: register
Please do so before 10th of November.

We hope to see you 18th of November in Groningen!

Team Energy Challenges